If you haven't gotten the slight hint in my last post about what I've been busy with lately, or if you haven't heard from behind the scenes.....or if you haven't read
Lisa Love's blog yet....then you are in the dark about what I'm going to tell you.
I apologize. I truly do. But I have good reasons for keeping it hush hush and the other reason being that I didn't want to make a big fuss over it all and have people freak out.
It is true. I am not what you think I am and have been lying to you for quite some time to keep my true identity a secret.
I am an alien from the planet Canmex and I have come to this part of the earth to write about my experiences in this place they call Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico(.com)(.mx). My SOUL purpose was to
to love,
to hate,
to kiss people on the cheeks,
wipe slobberers spit off my cheeks,
have wacky people as friends,
hope that my sistah Karma does her job when need be,
learn what it's like to live without electricity, water, GAS
make it through crazy storms,
survive all sorts of illnesses,
learn how to drive like a maniac,
to get an awesome tan year round,
to adopt not 1, but 2 cats and a pup (and take them with me (rivergirl loves me!)
know what it's like to have a sweaty crotch,
miss things like sugarless koolaid, ketchup chips, nibs, licorice and horse radish,
make great friends with bloggers,
learn a new language,
get drunk and blog (maybe not so smart in retrospect),
learn to swear a lot,
hang up the phone on mean clients,
help friends the best way I know how,
and learn the way, the culture of the peoples that be up here in this hizouse.
My contract for this job was set for an indefinite amount of time to start, but it seems I have been called on a new mission, and I have gladly accepted the challenge.
You need not fear. I am good at bitching about plenty of things and I hope you will follow my immersion back to my homeland. Because I will bitch, and I know that's probably why you are reading. This immersion also will be logged/blogged for your viewing pleasure....and I can guarantee.....it WILL be interesting.
I fly to Canada tomorrow my amigos/as/fellow aliens from Mexcan or is it Canmex? WTF. Who cares you get the idea. I want to thank you all for your friendship and I don't want to say goodbye. But rather, see you later. Because I will. I will come over after a late night of partying and hide behind the counter. You will hear a noise though, and come out to see what it was, and I will jump out and say BOO and scare you*. And if not that, then I'll just enter your dreams and make you laugh or some shit like that.
Hugs and kisses to all of my alien friends out there.
PS Thanks for the great parties and gifts and hugs and nice blogs. You are the bestest shit eva!
*You need to forget that I'm going to do this in order for it to work. Kthnxbai!