Help Please
I've decided I need to create a new blog with a new name. I of course will keep Mexico "Way", but need a new blog representing the change in my life.
Help please? What should I call it?
I have "Back to B.C." on my twitter. But it doesn't seem to have the same spunk as Mexico "Way".
Help please? What should I call it?
I have "Back to B.C." on my twitter. But it doesn't seem to have the same spunk as Mexico "Way".
At 4:11 PM, August 28, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I would have one question before making any serious stabs at a new name.
Is your new blog going to be referring back to your days in Cancun at all, or will it be mostly all about Vancouver and sorta leaving Cancun in the dust?
It's funny you ask the question today because I started brainstorming names for a blog for myself this week.
I'm getting ready to set things in motion to begin a new direction in my life and the blog will be just the first of many steps along the way...
At 6:07 PM, August 28, 2008,
Anonymous said…
How's about Frijoles Chidos! Or palabra al pajaro grande!? LOL! Or how about Frio-landia?? or No Spanglish for you!
I could go on forever and my poor little tiny blonde brain is all frito!
How bout I go tornillo off now!!! hahahahahahahaaa!
At 8:17 PM, August 28, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Hmmm.... I love thinking up names for things. Nothing is popping into my mind off the bat except something like "out of the frying pan, into the..." (frying pan is good for Cancun but fire isn't right to describe Vancouver, dang. haha). Another idea is "2008 b.c." (but, then again, nah...)
At 7:11 AM, August 29, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I like Mexico Way, even if you have moved north. How bout FRIO Way .. which is what you are going to be in a few short months. UGH I hate to think of snow. That's a good name SNOW GODDESS.
KW from Michigan
At 7:38 AM, August 29, 2008,
Bluestreak said…
I like Mexico "way".
How about Frijoles4________ (fill in the blank with something typical from Vancouver...I´m really braindead, plus I´m from the U.S. and we´re "inculta" like that. As in you traded frijoles for whatever.
At 6:21 PM, August 29, 2008,
Theresa in Mèrida said…
Oh, gee, usually I am good at this stuff,but I am so ignorant of Canada, how about "On my way","Northern lite", "Rebound Canada", What I learned on my Vacation? (okay that one is the dumbest one),"Where's the salsa?","You CAN go home again","My way",I actually like "Back to BC", how about "There is life after Mexico", "I'm NOB now."
Forget the part where I said that I was good at this. I like Back to BC because it makes me think of BC like in AD or CE, like in pre-historic....
good luck with this new name thing.
At 2:54 AM, August 30, 2008,
Fned said…
Hey there girl,
I've been raking my brains thinking of a cool name for the Mexico Way's new ultra cool blog and came up with ..... zilch. Nada.
And then I remembered something a good friend of mine living in Montreal told me. He said Canadians love their "poutine".
So I looked it up and this is what comes up on Wikipedia:
"Poutine (Quebec French pronunciation putsɪn (help·info)) is a dish consisting of French fries topped with fresh cheese curds, covered with brown gravy and sometimes additional ingredients. [1] The freshness of the curds is important as it makes them soft in the warm fries, without completely melting. It is a quintessential Canadian comfort food, especially but not exclusively among Québécois.
Ok, so it's quebecois... but I SOOOOOOO can imagine you coming up with a GOOD blog name around the word... Something like "A bite of Poutine" or "A poutina up north"....
Oh well... I'm tired, it's been a long day, and as you well know... I'm an old fart now.
At 8:09 PM, August 30, 2008,
My Way said…
I was about ready to say "the hell with it! I'll just keep the old one".
But then Theresa gave me an idea....
And the blog url is available!
So now that I nabbed it, hopefully this week I'll finally get it up and running.
Thanks for all your help. You guys ROCK!
At 1:04 PM, September 01, 2008,
Theresa in Mèrida said…
I can't wait to see what it is that I inspired. Oh, dear, no good deed goes unpunished.
ps. as my "reward" I want to see garden pix. Isla guy just posted some awesome ones.
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