Mexico "Way"

My stupid blurbs about anything and addition to the ups and downs of living in Cancun, Mexico.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Watching Gustav

I know I'm not in Cancun anymore but I am watching this storm just as much as I would if I was down there.

While it looks like Cancun may just get by with some rain, you never know with these things. Until it passes, I don't think anyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

Whatever the case, be safe my Cancun friends. Get your Jesus candles, tuna and water. It's not like you'll never use them again if you over-stock.

For those of you interested in following, here are some links for ya:

National Hurricane Center

Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog - He makes it easy for you to understand the storm and doesn't throw a lot of weather mumbo jumbo at you.

Wunderground Tracking

Weather Tracking

I find it's best to keep an eye on all 3 websites (National Hurricane Center, Wunderground, because all projected paths will vary slightly from one website to the other.

Here's hoping it turns out to be a dud.


  • At 8:19 PM, August 28, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jesus candles... hehe. ONLY someone who has lived in Mexico would write that, or know what you're talking about.


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