Touristing Vancouver
I wanted to show JJ and Marsha how great Vancouver is and lucky me, they wanted to see the things I wanted to show them anyways!
The first afternoon they arrived they visited my departamento for a bit and had some local coolers (YUM). We started to get hungry so we went for sushi and headed to meet up with my bro and his woman. We met an interesting character who layed down on the floor and humped a chair, and showed us his hairy ass. You could say it was a bit of a gong show and it was. We were later joined by my amigo Edwin and his friend Daudy. Drinks and fun were had by all and the next day the tour was to begin at Granville Island!
Here is Diablo....Queen of the new pad:
I wanted to make sure my guests had some Candian junk food. They of course went home with the Dill chips. They are the bomb. *Sings THE BOMB*
Off to Granville mercado we go. It was a rainy day which kinda sucked but the coloUrs of the Island (it's not really an island fyi) are so vibrant we barely noticed.
I could go on and on and on about what we did and what we saw but you know.....reading is hard work. So check the pics out!
On first entry to the market:
Mini-grapes and giant grapes:
Princess cake. Not cheap. Princesses are not cheap. Thus the high price. (Shitty tag tho, get a new one.):
Did someone say they like CHEESE!?:

Use your imagination:
LEMONS. A rarety in Mexico:
"Me and Jenny goes together like peas and carrots." ~Forest Gump
Here fishy fishy:
For you kristin:

FlavoUred Honey:
And you thought YOU could pile some cherries. Yeah....sure:
Italian Deli yumminess:
You'd think this picture was taken in Nova Scotia or something:
Shop here if you would like to become a ventriloquist:
Joyce and her amiga Marsha said that they wanted to eat at the greatest Indian restaurant in the world, Vij's. Apparently it was in the New York Times and Anthony Bourdain boasted about it. I knew nothing of the sort but wanted to make them happy. So we figured we'd try and locate the place to get a vibe off it. Was it fancy? or Casual? What was the dealio. After finding the place, and a parking spot to die for, we decided to wait outside with the others until it opened. Good thing we stayed when we did because the line-up went down the frickin block!
Here is a portion of the deliciousness:
Thank god we stayed. The food was to DIE for. Really. It was that good. This was some seriously real Indian food and we stuffed our bellies. Don't ask me about the decor because I wasn't a fan but I think the point is THE FOOD. So if you're ever in town, go early and wait for your table. It is worth it. No reservations. Just show up.
The next day we headed to Stanley Park and Queen Elizabeth Park. Another MUST if you are a tourist in Vancouver. Thank god it was a nice day.
Here we are in front of the Vancouver Aquarium:

Bee on purdy flower:

Pond and natural beauty:
Monument to the fallen:
A tribute to the lumbermen of British Columbia. Lumberman's Arch:
Joyce looking all cute in the arch:
These leaves are bigger than two feet wide and I had to take a pic. In retrospect, I should have had someone stand there to show the size:

As a memorial, you can buy a plaque on a bench in the park and dedicate it to those loved ones who have passed:
First Nations Totem poles:
Views from Prospect Point:
Lion's Gate Bridge:
Fountains and the Bloedel Floral Conservatory in the background. When Joyce asked, "What's that!?", I said, "It's Cancun!". We went inside and she said "Ohhhh now I get it!". You see, it's all hot and muggy and jungly in there.
These are the famous Lions Heads of the Vancouver skyline:
Another view of downtown Vancouver and the mountains in the background:
Queen Elizabeth Park:
Make a wish, throw a peso: Another view:
These caught my eye:

More to see at Queen Elizabeth Park:
Check out the face in the tree. Pretty cool huh!?
When Deana came we just hung out in my apartment and did as much shopping as we could so that she could get some treats for the trip back to Cancun. We all met up for a nice Dinner at Cactus Club Cafe (love the yam fries) and called it a night.
Everyone left the next day, and I was glad they all came to visitarme. :) Thanks guys!
Hope you liked the pics. If I had maybe two more days it would have beena more complete tour, but I think you get the idea. It's pretty cool up North (pun intended). HA!
At 4:43 PM, September 02, 2008,
CancunCanuck said…
Wow, it's all beautiful and shit! Gorgeous photos, thanks for the tour. I confess I am a Canuck who has never been to VanCity, but now I feel like I have. Loverly!
And those were some rude peaches, shocking!
At 7:39 AM, September 03, 2008,
Fned said…
Ok, so they got Cake, cheese, lemmons and cherries in Vancouver. If you can get Valentina sauce as well, I am totally moving there!
At 11:53 AM, September 03, 2008,
Theresa in Mèrida said…
Wow! so beautiful, yeah, I could totally live there. Except the cold and the prices, almost 5 bucks for a caramel apple? sheesh, I would have fainted!
At 1:35 PM, September 04, 2008,
My Way said…
Canuck - No you worry, I haven't seen TO or Montreal...although I've been to both....airport-wise. I loved the peaches....
Fned - I hate to break it to you....but YES, we have Valentina.
Theresa - That's not a normal's a "tourist" price. If you go to a normal store it would never cost that. It's like going into the Hotel Zone and buying a 8 dollar bag of chips. lol.
At 9:05 AM, April 17, 2009,
Susan said…
Love the photos thanks for sharing!!
At 1:44 PM, April 17, 2009,
My Way said…
You are very welcome!
At 2:02 AM, September 17, 2009,
Onimoz said…
hmmm >_> the lemons arent a rarety in mexico, the yellow magical lemons, those are a rarity.
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