Making Friends Online
The internet can be such a great thing and you can talk with and get to know people from all over the world without getting off your behind. In fact you can do it naked if you wanted and no one would even know (minus webcams of course). I mean I don't internet surf NEKKID, but I'm just saying. Meeting people online can be soooo easy.
A lot of people go to online dating sites to find their one true love. But thats not the only way to get to know people. Sharing a common interest and seeking others out online just like yourself is just a click and a post away.
After my first vacation to Cancun I couldn't get it off my brain. I thought about it non-stop and couldn't wait to vacation here over and over and over again. I tried to surround myself with as much Cancun as possible. So I turned on my computer and searched.
I found many websites with many pictures that I drooled over and then became addicted to forums about Cancun.
I answered questions about Cancun, I read about Cancun, I posted trip reports and pictures and read trip reports and looked at pictures. Cancun, Cancun, Cancun.
I met some haters along the way. That's for sure. But I also met some really great people that I still remain friends with.
Every Monday night back in the day Brant Boston of Entertainment Plus use to host a Tequila night for forum members to finally meet each other and hang out.
I met lots of people and had lots of fun and like I said, some of those same people are still in my life.
Last night I was lucky enough to have dinner again with Janie & Norb. We met several years ago, have kept in contact, and whenever they are in town we try to visit with each other. Janie and Norb have been coming to Cancun since 1985. My love for Cancun could never beat theirs and there's something that keeps them coming back, over and over and over again.
Also in attendance was my good friend Laura whom I met online and had an instant connection with via the online forums. Becky AKA Lurker Girl was there (she reads all your posts and knows EVERYTHING about you but she is just a lurker so you know NOTHING about her). And the well known T.J., who also vacationed here over and over again and now lives in both Cancun and Florida at the same time. A few weeks here, and a few weeks there. HOW NICE! The best of both worlds!
We went to dinner at Iki Resto Bar which is located in Parque las Palapas and enjoyed reminscing of the past and sharing in each others company.
While there are bad people out there on the internet (just like there are in real life), there are oh so many good ones too! I for one thank my lucky stars that I have the friends I have because of the awesome technology of the internet.
Nice seeing you guys again. Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip home!
A lot of people go to online dating sites to find their one true love. But thats not the only way to get to know people. Sharing a common interest and seeking others out online just like yourself is just a click and a post away.
After my first vacation to Cancun I couldn't get it off my brain. I thought about it non-stop and couldn't wait to vacation here over and over and over again. I tried to surround myself with as much Cancun as possible. So I turned on my computer and searched.
I found many websites with many pictures that I drooled over and then became addicted to forums about Cancun.
I answered questions about Cancun, I read about Cancun, I posted trip reports and pictures and read trip reports and looked at pictures. Cancun, Cancun, Cancun.
I met some haters along the way. That's for sure. But I also met some really great people that I still remain friends with.
Every Monday night back in the day Brant Boston of Entertainment Plus use to host a Tequila night for forum members to finally meet each other and hang out.
I met lots of people and had lots of fun and like I said, some of those same people are still in my life.
Last night I was lucky enough to have dinner again with Janie & Norb. We met several years ago, have kept in contact, and whenever they are in town we try to visit with each other. Janie and Norb have been coming to Cancun since 1985. My love for Cancun could never beat theirs and there's something that keeps them coming back, over and over and over again.
Also in attendance was my good friend Laura whom I met online and had an instant connection with via the online forums. Becky AKA Lurker Girl was there (she reads all your posts and knows EVERYTHING about you but she is just a lurker so you know NOTHING about her
We went to dinner at Iki Resto Bar which is located in Parque las Palapas and enjoyed reminscing of the past and sharing in each others company.
While there are bad people out there on the internet (just like there are in real life), there are oh so many good ones too! I for one thank my lucky stars that I have the friends I have because of the awesome technology of the internet.
Nice seeing you guys again. Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip home!
At 11:30 AM, November 28, 2007,
CancunCanuck said…
Awwww, so nice to see the Softer Side of Way!
Hey, you know I am with you on the internet friendships thing, most (if not all) of my real life friends were discovered online, yourself included and we only lived a block apart! Sure we've met some schmucks, but they come and go and the real friends stick around. Besos a ti amiga de la red!
At 11:45 AM, November 28, 2007,
Mamacita Chilena said…
making internet friends can be fun :) there are always haters out there, don't worry about them...the nice people more than make up for the rest!
I responded to your comment on my post's a good point, but in Chile things Americana almost exclusively refer to things from the U.S. unless you're in a history class!
At 2:57 PM, November 28, 2007,
Anonymous said…
You know, I found your blog by searching "Expats in Mexico," so I guess I'm sorta like you... couldn't get that place out of my mind!
At 3:48 PM, November 28, 2007,
My Way said…
Yeah. It's funny though. Now that I'm here, I see Cancun through wayyyyy different eyes. LOL. In case you haven't noticed from all my bitching! LOL.
At 6:10 PM, November 28, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Isn't making friends on the Internet weird? But good.
When I lived in Cancun, I rarely, if ever looked at Cancun forums and the like. Once I moved back to the States, I was much more vocal online. Embarrassingly enough, when I google my real name, I come up with very few items, but when I do my screen name, the hits are numerous! Embarrassing about the screen name...everyone has to admit that they google themselves sometimes. ;)
At 9:30 PM, November 28, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Yeah- it's always like that once you live somewhere. When I first moved to NYC area I was totally in love with it. Four years later, when I left my job there, I thought that if I never set foot in NYC again that'll be too soon! Now I can appreciate it for what it is, but I don't have to live or work there... it is fun for a date or when friends come and we can be tourists, though. I'm looking forward to seeing how everyday life is in Mex.
At 10:11 AM, November 29, 2007,
Fned said…
You totally read my mind on this one.
Actually, your blog was the first I started browsing without knowing the person writing it! I found you during the whole Dean buildup 'cause I was looking for people in the region who might be able to provide me with info of how things were since I have family living in Yucatán (and the news here were completely useless). Immediately I found your posts were so funny and insightful and it clicked how interesting it was to read the impressions my country left on someone with a foreign view...
... that's what's so great about the internet. Slowly I've gotten to meet people from around the world and keep in touch with those that I have met in real life and are now living far away...
... as an expat, I think this is truly important for us because no matter how much we enjoy living out the adventure of a new place/culture/people, it is vital to continue to feel in connection with the places, the people, the culture, the life that we left behind. Sharing our impressions/frustrations with others living the same experience definetly allows to stay "connected".
So keep up tha good work!
At 10:52 AM, November 29, 2007,
My Way said…
Would be interesting to see how my blogs would turn out if I returned to Canada.
You can't live in a foreign country and have it not change the way you think.
No doubt if I returned back home I would have less frustrations over all but I would also miss a lot of things. Especially when it comes to fixing your car for really really cheap. Or prescribing your own drugs for illnesses you've diganosed online.
Life is funny.
At 8:10 PM, November 29, 2007,
JJ said…
Well, just look at mine. Mine started out when I was living there the first time and had nothing but time on my hands and decent internet for the most part. I think it isn't so much about WHERE you live but the perspective you have of wherever it is you find yourself sitting. You are entertaining even when you aren't sweeping up gecko poo or bitching about Cablemas. I think you would still be funny even when you are just talking about every day easy Canadian things...
At 6:18 PM, November 30, 2007,
Anonymous said…
You are not only sweet and funny and totally gorgeous, but you are a dear friend, too.
Thank you so much for the beautiful candle holder, we will keep it always.
love ya,
janie and norb
At 3:58 PM, April 28, 2016,
Anonymous said…
I have written several articles about Cancun, I hope you like them :)
We are looking for new writers in Cancun and places around, if you are interested please let me now!
Grettings :)
Marion Lee
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