Mexico "Way"

My stupid blurbs about anything and addition to the ups and downs of living in Cancun, Mexico.

Monday, May 07, 2007


I guess Moco was having a bad day. I wish I had a punching bag in the apartment like she does.

She totally got busted. While I suspected it was her that does this every once in a while, I didn't know for sure. Now I know:

In the same day, I caught Diesel dressing up in drag:
It seems I've only got one normal animal. She is as innocent as can be (well minus the whole ripping up your couches thing. Thats why I have sheets over them):

Yes folks. My house is rather exciting!

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  • At 7:01 AM, May 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Diesel looks fabulous!


  • At 9:52 AM, May 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice photography! Come take pictures of my cat and his desmadres- you make them look charming instead of frickin' irratating a H-E-double-hockey-sticks!

  • At 2:24 PM, May 08, 2007, Blogger JJ said…

    Angel! I still say Moco is getting a bum rap. I totally believe and will until I see it with MY OWN EYES and not through what is CLEARLY trick photography that either Diesel or Diablo is setting him up. Think what you like, but frankly I never trusted that Diablo... :)

  • At 4:43 PM, May 09, 2007, Blogger My Way said…

    There are those that take Moco's side. And there are those that take Diablo's side.

    While I love Moco, she is a shit disturber.

    So I'm with Diablo unless she's ripping up my couches.

  • At 11:55 AM, May 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm with Diablo, when the cats were in Vancouver, I saw with my own eyes that Moco is the shit disturber and poor Diablo just wanted to hide from Moco. Which he did one day so well we went nuts trying to find her.

  • At 11:55 AM, May 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm with Diablo, when the cats were in Vancouver, I saw with my own eyes that Moco is the shit disturber and poor Diablo just wanted to hide from Moco. Which he did one day so well we went nuts trying to find her.


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